Natalie Portman being smart and practical!

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'Black Swan' star Natalie Portman frankly discusses her fame and eating habits in the new issue of Vogue.
She speaks candidly about the downside of reading her own headlines, saying, "I try not to read reviews or anything about me. It's totally natural to be interested, but it's completely damaging ... I've been up, I've been down, I've been in, I've been out ... I always feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. The one thing you have control over is having a great experience by doing your work fully."

The brunette beauty has recently attracted attention for her slight frame in the film that will likely earn her an Oscar nomination. Grueling eight hour rehearsals reportedly shrunk her body down to a size 0. Unlike her 'Black Swan' character, she says, "I'd never get to the point where I would starve or injure myself like Nina does. I'm the opposite -- when I'm hungry, I eat, and I always make sure I'm eating something delicious."

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